Day 40: Dillon to Hot Sulphur Springs (61 miles)

We woke up this morning, and had a slow start with a tasty McDonald's breakfast and then some conversation at the gas station with Chris, who was riding from Eugene east to Denver. He gave us some pointers on the rest of the route. From there, we had an easy downhill, tailwind day around the Green Mountain dam. It was simply gorgeous. We headed east to head back north again, but by doing so, we got to ride through a canyon while an Amtrak train was going through. I could only pull over and watch. I came to the library and furiously updated my blog, and now might go eat something or sit in the hot springs. A great day after a rest day :)


  1. Just found and started reading. Truly phenomenal stuff. Hope you're okay with me feeling a sense of accomplishment as you wind down. Finish strong, sir.

  2. Thanks MZ. You can live vicariously through me anytime you want.


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