Day 12: Breaks, VA to Hindman, KY (67 miles)

We started the day off lazily from Breaks, but the day quickly picked up with climbs. Though not necessarily harder than the day before, being sore from Breaks kept the day fresh. Some of the places we biked through looked broken, old roads with no shoulders where folks left their loose junkyard dogs out to chase a cyclist. Normally, a dog chase isn't much of a thing... few dogs are mean enough to bite. They probably are having an awesome time chasing after a piece of spandex up a hill. But, when there's no shoulder and falling off a one lane road with no shoulder = pain, so it wasn't quite as cheeky as the usual dog encounter. After 2 climbs, 1 confirmed mullet sighting, 9 dog chasings, 2 orange sodas and the girl at the counter telling me that I was "moving super fast while she was driving behind me" (Only bike compliment from a random ever), we arrived in Hindman. We conversed some with the "legendary" folk figure Charlie, who wanted us to pay a lot of money to sleep in his yard. We declined, and while riding down the street trying to figure out alternative options, Steven at the Baptist church said that we could sleep down in the basement of their youth group. We were super appreciative. The power was out in town, so we ordered pizza delivery from the next town over. I grabbed a couch in the youth center and called it a night.


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